Lead Service Line Replacement

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Village of Glencoe are concerned about lead in your drinking water. Although the federal government banned the installation of lead service lines in 1986 and there are no lead mains in the Village water system, the Village estimates that there are over 500 private properties with lead service lines (of 3,100 total services). Some of these homes in the community may have lead levels above the US EPA action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb), or 0.015 milligrams of lead per liter of water (mg/l) and should take steps to reduce lead in their drinking water.

Under Federal law the Glencoe Water Utility  is required to have a program in place to minimize lead in the drinking water in private residences. This program includes corrosion control treatment, source water treatment, and public education. As a part of public education, the Village has created a brochure with detailed information about drinking water and lead, including the health effects of lead, sources of lead in drinking water, steps that you can take in the home to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water, how to identify lead service lines and lead testing.
Lead Service Line Replacement
In August 2021, the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act (415 ILCS 5/17.12) was signed into law. Effective January 1, 2022, this act requires the eventual replacement of all lead service lines in the State of Illinois. The statute dictates various timelines for complete lead service line replacement according to the size of the jurisdiction. In Glencoe’s case, all lead water services must be replaced by 2042. When a lead water service line is repaired or upgraded, the entirety of the lead service must be replaced. Partial service replacements are no longer permitted, and although emergency repairs to a lead service are permitted, they will require the entire replacement of the lead service line.

Lead Water Service Line Replacement Cost Sharing Program

In February 2023, the Village Board approved a Lead Water Service Line Replacement (LSLR) Cost Sharing Program for residential property owners in the Village of Glencoe. The goal of the program is to assist homeowners with the cost of replacement of lead water service lines in an effort to comply with the State mandate by alleviating a portion of the financial burden through a partial reimbursement of the cost to replace lead water service lines. Details on the program eligibility and requirements, including the application, can be found here.

Residents with lead or suspected lead service lines will be sent a letter by the end of March 2023 regarding this program. To find your residence's water service line material, click here.

If you have questions about the LSLR Cost Sharing Program, please contact Public Works Management Analyst Jeff Mawdsley at (847) 461-1141 or email at jmawdsley@villageofglencoe.org

In addition to the Cost Sharing Program the Village will continue to offer the following incentives to reduce the cost of lead service line replacement:

  • Waiving the permit fee for lead service line replacement work;
  • Waiving of Village fees and deposits for street utility cuts and curb and sidewalk replacement related to utility excavation (Homeowners are required to restore pavement, curb and sidewalk with temporary stone and disturbed parkway areas with topsoil and seed);
  • Waiving of Village fees for parts including the b-box, curb stop, corporation cock, and tapping saddle; and
  • Waiving of Village fee for the water tap service
The Village has also compiled a list of sewer/water contractors that have been pre-qualified to work in the Village of Glencoe. (The Village is not endorsing these contractors.) Residents are always encouraged to seek two or three proposals.

If you have any questions about replacing your lead water service line, please contact the Water Distribution Supervisor, Frank Colletti, at (847) 461-1652 or email at fcolletti@villageofglencoe.org

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  • Lead Service Cost Share Program Application
    document seq 0.00
  • Lead Informational Brochure
    document seq 1.00
  • Building Permit Application
    document seq 3.00